An overview of LCUSD’s 2020 Local Control Accountability Plan

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The La Cañada Unified School District, more commonly known as the LCUSD, is a learning community that is dedicated to education and personal growth. With several schools and a number of excellent teachers and staff, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that so many people choose to send their children to one of the LCUSD’s schools. Here is just a quick overview of their Local Accountability Plan for 2020:

An excellent program for students

LCUSD ensure that their staff are providing the highest quality education, going out of their way to implement common assessments, technologies, and more. A few of the things that they’re doing include:

Hire and train the best staff

Whether they’re teaching or administrative staff, each individual hoping to be hired will need to have all the necessary certificates before they can be recruited to LCUSD. They’re also going to ensure that all their current staff are just as happy as before, with competitive salaries being just one of many things that they’re planning on offering.

Alongside this, they also take the time to consider paraprofessional positions, dedicating resources to find out which is best; hiring full-time, or part-time. Working with the California School Employees Association (CESA), they’re aiming to maximize the opportunities for their staff based around the new career pathways that this could open up.

Improve safety measures, as well as any basic services

Promote programs to help the emotional and social health of students

A safe and welcoming school can be a crucial environment for any developing child, which is why everything will be taken into consideration to ensure that the students are all functioning at their best mentally, as well as academically. This includes, but is not limited to:

La Cañada Unified School District’s holistic approach to the community’s education system is one of the highlights in living in La Cañada Flintridge community. Aside from their well-thought accountability plan, they also feature some programs which ensure the well-being and further development of each student such as their mental health initiatives & their three-year technology plan.

If you want to learn more about La Cañada Flintridge CA, don’t hesitate to contact me, Kathy Seuylemezian, and maybe La Cañada Flintridge will be the next destination of your next home. Call us at 818.949.5205 or leave me a message at and we’ll make sure to get back to you shortly to assist you with your enquiries.